In a dark and dystopian cyberpunk future, food is the ultimate symbol of wealth and status. Using a revolutionary invention called Neon Noodles, the Aristocracy indulges their every culinary whim. Everyone else begs for scraps. With no memory and no name, you are just a cog in this machine. But when a mysterious message unlocks your forgotten past, it thrusts you into a daring, clandestine heist to seize control of Neon Noodles and reclaim your legacy.
Neon Noodles is an open-ended culinary themed machine-building puzzle game where you program robotic chefs to cook 250 recipes from around the world, consisting of 400 unique ingredients. Take on challenging assignments from a cast of intriguing clients and design complex and beautiful automations to uncover the truth behind the Neon Noodles. Do you have what it takes to pry humanity's future from the clutches of corporate greed?