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Eastasiasoft Announces Partnership with Puzzle Game Developer Lightwood Games

We are excited to announce that we are partnering with UK based developer Lightwood Games. Eastasiasoft will publish Lightwood Games' line-up of word games and logic puzzles for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita on the PlayStation Store in Asia.

The first release will be Word Sudoku by POWGI, a word-twist on the classic logic puzzle game.

The core gameplay will be familiar to sudoku fans, but instead of using the digits 1 to 9, Word Sudoku is solved by placing nice different letters so that no row, column or grid section contains the same letter twice.

When completed, each puzzle will reveal a different nine-letter word, spelled across one row or column on the grid. This can act as an additional hint, if needed. Players can also switch the puzzle into "number mode" if they prefer.

Word Sudoku by POWGI is now available on the PlayStation Store in Asia for HK$63 / TW$258 / SG$10.8 / US$7.99. Cross-Buy is included so players can download the game on PS4 and PS Vita with one purchase. Players who complete the game will be rewarded with a platinum trophy.

Further releases of Lightwood Games' popular word games and logic puzzles are planned during following two months.

Currently confirmed line-up:

  • Word Sudoku by POWGI (18 June)
  • Word Search by POWGI (25 June)
  • Pic-a-Pix Color (2 July)
  • One Word by POWGI (9 July)
  • Pic-a-Pix Classic (16 July)
  • Mixups by POWGI (23 July)
  • Block-a-Pix Deluxe (30 July)
  • Crossovers by POWGI (6 August)
  • Pic-a-Pix Pieces (14 August)
  • Word Wheel by POWGI (20 August)
  • Fill-a-Pix: Phil's Epic Adventure (27 August)

All releases in the Pix logic puzzle series will be playable in English, Traditional Chinese and Korean. The POWGI word games will be playable in English. Further game details can be found on our website and at www.lightwoodgames.com.

Word Sudoku by POWGI
Fact Sheet
PS Vita, PS4
18 June 2019
Casual, Family, Puzzle
Lightwood Games

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